Health Tips Junk Foods Like Pizza Burger Side Effects on Brain in Hindi

Health Tips Junk Foods Like Pizza Burger Side Effects on Brain in Hindi

Junk food for brain: Are you also erasing your earthquake by eating junkfood i.e. burger, pizza, french frych. If yes, then be careful. Because recently it has been told from a study that eating these things has a serious effect on brain function and behavior. This can affect the brain. Junk food has already been warned.

According to WHO, most of the deaths in the world are due to heart disease, one of the reasons is Junkfood. A research presented at the International Conference of the American Alzheimer’s Association told that there is a danger of severe dementia among those who eat more ultra processed food. In such a situation, let us know what the effect can be on the brain by eating junkfood.

Eating junkfood affects the brain

1. Memory and Decision Making can be spoiled

Junk Food Side Effects are dangerous for our heart. It is equally damaged on its brain. The trans fat and sugar present in it can severely affect the memory power and decision -making ability. For a long time, its intake can also cause dangerous disease like dementia.

2. Brain’s texture may deteriorate

High calories have negative effects on junkfood brain texture. High fat and sugar found in it affect the hippocampus area of ​​brain. It is the part of the brain, which is necessary for memory and learning. More junkfoods work to damage the neurons of the hippocampus.

3. Balance of neurotransmitters may deteriorate

Eating junk food can cause a neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain. These vavas are chemicals, which work to send messages to different parts of the brain. High calorie junk food also increases the level of dopamine, which is associated with human mood. Dopamine can add to something. This makes Junkfood feel like eating more.

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4. Mental health may be affected

Mental health can be affected badly by eating high calorie junk food. This can cause lack of essential nutrients. Due to which depression, stress and anxiety can increase. Excess of trans fat and sugar can also cause inflammation in the brain.

5. Behavior can change

Eating high calorie junk food can also change the behavior. This can cause problems like irritability, laziness, boiling of life in nature. Junkfood can also make angry and aggressive. The chemicals found in it affect the brain on those parts that control emotions and behavior.

Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.

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